Poop Killer Game Online Play Free

The industry has always had its fair share of weird, hilarious, and sometimes just downright baffling concepts. One such game that has recently caught the attention of the community is none other than Poop Killer. Poop Killer offers an intriguing storyline set. People play as a store clerk who is about to have one of the worst nights of his life, thanks to a customer’s negligence in the washroom. The result? A monster that embodies every sanitary worker’s worst nightmare.

Drawing inspiration from the 80s, Poop Killer mixes the serious with the ridiculous, bringing to life an antagonist we’d all rather forget about once we leave the restroom. The development studio is no stranger to the retro world. The blurry, low-poly visuals of Poop Killer instantly remind players of the PSX days. It’s like a lovingly restored photograph that’s faded with time but still holds its charm. One of the standout elements that hasn’t been addressed is its peculiar use of human faces.