Infinite Poop Killer

Infinite Poop Killer

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Poop Killer is one of the strangest things you can ever see in your life. Most likely, you are hardly able to believe that the developers spent their time and budget to create this project. Moreover, the most shocking news should be that this product has a huge number of sequels! You must be wondering how this squalor has such a devoted audience.

Essence Of Poop Killer

In each part, you are different personalities, whose fate was to meet this disgusting psychopath. The main villain of Poop Killer is trying in every way to wipe you off the face of the Earth, but you must prevent them from doing so. You may have to go through many dangerous trials or fight them in order to survive. Do you have the opportunity to handle problems?

In any case, you are going to find toilet humor, an absurd story and epic endings that you will remember forever. It’s a really crazy game that may make you feel different emotions like disgust, amusement or confusion. Although, this work has enough flaws to officially call it a complete failure in the field of entertainment.

In principle, this game is capable of impressing you with any interesting mechanics, etc. Graphics, music, controls, gameplay and optimization look downright cheap and of poor quality. If you are used to amazing projects, then you can be sure that you should be left very disappointed in it. Think twice before installing it.

Reviews About It

Every franchise has its fans and haters, no matter how good or bad the content is. Since the first part, this nonsense has had followers who follow any news, additions and updates that the creators publish. So, whether you like this work of media art or not, new sequels will continue to appear. You decide to rejoice at this fact or be horrified by the infinity of it.

If you are curious about what this thing is, you have a chance to download and try it. You are also up to tell your friends and relatives about it, but be prepared for any reactions. Still, not every person is interested in the waste products of living organisms, the process of defecation, and so on.

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