Horror Noodles

Horror Noodles

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Everyone has ever cooked their own dinner late at night, so it doesn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary, right? However, this game is going to prove to you how terrible such an event is capable of being! You are alone at home, there are no pets, and your parents still have not returned from work.

It is short, but still able to cause you discomfort. Various unpredictable noises or silhouettes appearing in the dark make you more vigilant. Of course, experienced users should not even pay attention to these pathetic attempts to induce fear.

The graphics, soundtrack, controls and optimization are all well done for such a skimpy and free project. However, this cannot be called a masterpiece, since you are not going to see anything here but a creepy atmosphere and fast food. Although, it all depends on your preferences and interests.

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